Do’s And Don’ts For Women To Maintain Breast Health

5 min readOct 28, 2021


Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer is one of the world’s most pressing public health issues, and its prevalence is on the rise. Breast cancer is now a worry not only for women, but also for men and animals. Furthermore, according to certain authorities, it will continue to rise in the future. According to WHO data, roughly 2.3 million women would be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020, with nearly 6,85,000 deaths worldwide.

In addition, the American Cancer Society is expecting a rise of nearly 27.5 million new breast cancer cases & 16.3 million deaths by 2040.

So, in order to prevent social harm and raise awareness about breast health, we’ve compiled a list of simple yet crucial activities to keep your breasts healthy.


1. Maintain Healthy Weight

The most significant impact on the human body is weight. It not only enhances your appearance, but it is essential for your overall health. Maintaining a healthy body weight is essential in preventing diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Even being overweight or obese after menopause raises the risk of breast cancer because more fat tissues raise estrogen levels in the body, which increases the risk of breast cancer. Obesity also raises insulin levels, which have been linked to cancer, particularly breast cancer. So, the first point to keep in mind is maintaining a healthy weight and keeping a regular check on it.

2. Workout

A workout, whether you like it or not, provides numerous health benefits, including protection against breast cancer. The most major breast cancer risk supporter is an estrogen level, which again is produced by fat cells. Working out on a regular basis lowers levels of estrogen, reducing the risk of breast cancer. To effectively manage the risk of breast cancer, the American Cancer Society recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity spread out across the week.

3. Consume a Right Diet

For your overall wellbeing, you must eat right. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, at least 18% of all malignancies diagnosed in the United States are linked to physical inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, and body fat. The best part is that it can be avoided. For effective cancer care, a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts high in Omega 3 fatty acids, fish, chicken, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products is needed.

4. Have a Proper Sleep & maintain your posture

Sleep is an important factor to the body’s natural healing processes. To cure breast cancer, you ought to get enough sleep in the correct position. People who work late-night shifts have a higher risk of breast cancer than women who get adequate sleep at night, according to David Spiegel, MD, a Stanford University Psychiatrist. People who sleep less than six hours every night have a higher cancer risk, according to the study. Similarly, according to another study, sleeping for more than 9 hours is not recommended for breast health.

5. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is harmful to your overall health, as well as your breast health. According to research, consuming more than the recommended quantity of alcohol increases your chances of developing breast cancer. A woman who drinks three drinks per week has a 15% higher risk of breast cancer than a woman who does not drink at all, with a risk of 10% for each additional drink per week. The American Dietary Guidelines indicate that females drink in moderation, one drink or less per day, to minimize the risk of breast cancer.


1. Don’t lose it over a lump

The most common indicator of breast cancer is a lump. Although the majority of nodes are hard and painless, there are a few that are painful. Every woman is scared of detecting a lump in their breasts. They assume that lumps in their breasts confirm the presence of cancer. However, this isn’t entirely accurate. According to one study conducted by the American Cancer Society, four out of five breast lumps are benign, means they are not malignant.

So, instead of dreading it and stressing out about a lump, go to the doctor if you spot any nodes in your breast.

2. Don’t miss your regular screening

Mammograms can’t cure breast cancer, but they can save a life by detecting breast cancer early symptoms. Early detection of breast cancer symptoms can cut your risk of dying from the disease by 25–30% or more, according to research. Many women believe that traditional mammograms are unnecessary in the absence of visual indications, but experts concur.

So keep in mind, to have your mammograms and breast cancer self-assessment tests on scheduled.

3. Don’t invest in creams and lotions that promise enhanced breast shape.

We’ve all heard about miracle creams and products that promise to help your breasts seem great. Unfortunately, many women fall victim to this trap by purchasing such creams and lotions. Nevertheless, cosmetic breast procedures are the only way to improve the contour of your breasts. And, in the long run, these procedures are unquestionably harmful.

Invest in good quality moisturizer and sunscreens instead of breast shape enhancer creams and lotions that actually work on hydrating and moisturizing your breasts and help your skin stay firmer for longer.

4. Don’t wear bras that give too much lift to your breasts.

Women care a lot about how their breasts look. Women do it by buying push-up bras that elevate their breasts. However, did you know that wearing excessively supportive bras might harm your breast muscles and hasten the drooping process?

So, instead of wearing a bra that is excessively supportive, start wearing bras that are comfortable and fitted, and don’t forget to practice exercises that promote the natural bounce of your breasts.

5. Don’t forget your Chocolates

Finally, you have another incentive to eat chocolates! Components in dark chocolate have been discovered to help combat the symptoms of cancer that develop quickly. Even flavanols in cocoa beans, a component of chocolate, have been shown to be antioxidants, reducing cell damage that can lead to cancer formation.

So, it’s fine to eat a few chocolates, but in moderation. Small amounts of high-quality, sugar-free dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa should suffice.

Wrapping Up

If you have reached here, it means you have read all the above-listed do’s and don’ts to maintain breast health. Now, it’s time to integrate these healthy practices into your lifestyle. Don’t forget that your future is in your hands; make sure it should be a healthy one. Also, if you are looking for a regular source to make yourself health aware, visit




Written by Epillo

At Epillo Health Systems, we are deploying tools and initiatives that are designed to help everyone make more informed health decisions

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